Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Business Coach Vs. Business Consultant

"The best way to describe the distinctions between a "Business Coach and a "Business Consultant is that a consultant provides a solution to the problem and a Business Coach ask the right question in order for you to discover the solution to the problem.

"The business coach help guide you to find results through your own thinking processes and problem-solving skills. This allows you to 'own' results because your actions are ultimately guided by your individual way of reasoning and ability to get the right thing done." 

"Just like a sports coach, whose job is to focus on the "bigger picture" by bringing out the players ability by identifying his/her needs, and planning and implementing a strategic suitable training programmes. As well as, developing the athlete physical and psychological fitness, and providing the best possible practical conditions in order to maximize their performance." 

A small business coach works on bringing out the best that's already inside you. The coach focus on the “bigger picture” of what it is you want to create for your business (and your lifestyle), and talk about what will keep you motivated to move forward on your dreams, goals and tasks." 

These areas in which can prohibit you from reaching your full potential are (Not Limited):
  • Accountability 
  • Action Planning 
  • Brainstorming 
  • Clarity 
  • Distraction 
  • Fear 
  • Focus 
  • Follow-up 
  • Implementation 
  • Limiting beliefs 
  • Motivation 
  • Overwhelm 
  • Purpose 
  • Self-sabotage 
  • Structure 
  • Time management 
  • Vision 
"The consultant presents a series of solutions thus, create a plan of action for you to move forward on your projects. The focus of consulting is to get projects and tasks done that will enhance your business." As a your business consultant, I come to the partnership as an expert, whether it be in small business marketing, web design, strategy planning or growing a business. After careful discussion and analysis of what results you're looking to achieve, we create a plan of action for you to move forward on your projects. The focus of consulting is to get projects and tasks done that will enhance your business." 

Here are some key areas where we can help in your business:

Business Planning
Having trouble putting your business plan together? A solid business plan is key to acquire funding and to grow your business. We'll help you with the components of the business plan, the simple way to finish your business plan, avoid business plan mistakes, effectively use your business plan and more!

Concept Development 
Is your business stuck in the transition between idea to reality? We'll help you develop your business, the name and image, legal structure, types of ownership, franchise options, with buying a business, etc. 

Setting Up Your Office You've always heard location, location, location when it comes to real estate. The same is true for your business! We'll help you choose perfect site selection, identify location choices, make your home-based business work for you and your family, manage zoning, leases, and equipment. 

Manage Risks This area of business is often scary for business owners. We'll walk you through how to handle insurance, legal issues, fraud, taxes, patent, copyright and trademarks, and find the right professionals to help. 

Record Keeping & Finance The key to business is cash flow. We'll help you understand cash flow, profitability, find the right accountant, identify the best form of record keeping, budget, estimating your money, and find sources of financing.

Market Research Where does your business stand compared to your competition? We'll help you research your industry, analyze your strengths and weaknesses, and take the steps to blow your competition out of the water. 

Pricing and Inventory Are you selling yourself short? Lots of business owners don't charge enough for their products and services. We'll work with you to analyze your pricing strategy, perform a break-even analysis, and help with inventory management. 

Sales and Marketing The bread and butter of your business. Businesses thrive on effective sales and marketing. We'll help fine-tune your sales and marketing process, develop strategies that work, create a marketing plan, identify the best ways to sell your products and brainstorm with you on advertising and promotion ideas. 

Productivity & Business Management 
Working long hours? We'll help make your job easier by helping with time management, delegation, customer service, and decision making. 

Employee Relations 
For some business owners, dealing with employees comes naturally. For others, it's a complete nightmare. If you're one of the latter, we'll help you with hiring employees, growing your team, setting salary and benefits, policies and procedures, motivating employees, and firing employees. 

Expansion and Growth 
Are you ready to grow your business and reach the next steps of successful business growth? We'll help identify key milestones for your business so that you can reach your goals and achieve all your business dreams!

Which one is best for you is based on your needs and values, as well your time constraints and deadlines.

I work in “hybrid” mode, as a coach-consultant. This means that I offer you the best of both professions: advice and expertise when you need it, motivation and brainstorming when you're stuck, insight to build you and your business to your highest potential.

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